
Time 08 September
(4:54) AM


img Name: Moeladin
Vocation: Royal Paladin
Sex: Male
Level: 294104
Kill / Death 0 / 0
Last Login: 06 September 2024 (05:13)
Created: 17 June 2024 (17:03)
Auto Loot Slots: 1



Death list

Date Info
19 Aug 2024, 22:52died at Level 293642 by a deepling guard, deepling warrior and a deepling scout
19 Aug 2024, 22:26died at Level 292796 by a deepling warrior, deepling guard and a deepling scout
19 Aug 2024, 22:12died at Level 292821 by a deepling guard, deepling warrior and a deepling scout
19 Aug 2024, 18:30died at Level 284811 by a deepling scout, deepling warrior and a deepling guard
19 Aug 2024, 18:30died at Level 284867 by Death Shooter
19 Aug 2024, 18:30died at Level 284923 by a deepling scout, deepling warrior and a deepling guard
19 Aug 2024, 18:28died at Level 284833 by a deepling guard and a deepling scout
3 Aug 2024, 14:15died at Level 282285 by physical, deepling warrior, deepling guard and a deepling scout
3 Aug 2024, 11:49died at Level 281771 by a deepling guard and a deepling warrior
3 Aug 2024, 11:19died at Level 281631 by a deepling warrior, deepling guard and a deepling scout
3 Aug 2024, 10:05died at Level 281265 by a deepling guard, deepling warrior and a deepling scout
3 Aug 2024, 09:50died at Level 281310 by a deepling warrior, deepling guard and a deepling scout
3 Aug 2024, 09:27died at Level 281281 by a deepling warrior, deepling scout and a deepling guard
3 Aug 2024, 06:56died at Level 281024 by a deepling warrior and a deepling guard
2 Aug 2024, 22:02died at Level 278645 by a deepling guard and a deepling warrior

Character Achievements
Login for the first time
Getting Started
Complete your first quest
More Power
Complete 5 quests
Login 7 days in a row