
Time 08 September
(4:56) AM


img Name: Drayen
Vocation: Royal Paladin
Sex: Male
Level: 256244
Kill / Death 1 / 0
Last Login: 30 July 2024 (01:06)
Created: 04 October 2022 (20:07)
Auto Loot Slots: 1
House: Spider House #281, Spider City



Death list

Date Info
30 Jul 2024, 00:58died at Level 256252 by a deepling scout and a deepling guard
29 Jul 2024, 00:39died at Level 256231 by a deepling scout, deepling warrior and a deepling guard
29 Jul 2024, 00:19died at Level 255969 by a deepling guard and a deepling warrior
29 Jul 2024, 00:15died at Level 255859 by a deepling scout and a deepling guard
29 Jul 2024, 00:13died at Level 255867 by a deepling guard and a deepling scout
29 Jul 2024, 00:06died at Level 255353 by a deepling guard, deepling warrior and a deepling scout
29 Jul 2024, 00:05died at Level 255403 by a deepling guard, deepling warrior and a deepling scout
29 Jul 2024, 00:01died at Level 255349 by a deepling warrior, deepling guard and a deepling scout
28 Jul 2024, 23:59died at Level 255373 by a deepling guard and a deepling scout
28 Jul 2024, 23:57died at Level 255392 by a deepling warrior, deepling guard and a deepling scout
28 Jul 2024, 23:54died at Level 255280 by a deepling guard, deepling warrior and a deepling scout
28 Jul 2024, 23:44died at Level 255318 by a wyvern
28 Jul 2024, 23:36died at Level 255270 by a deepling guard and a deepling scout
28 Jul 2024, 23:10died at Level 255116 by a deepling guard, deepling warrior and a deepling scout
28 Jul 2024, 21:48died at Level 255127 by a deepling guard

Characters on this account

Name Level Vocation Last login
Davipro 116444 Elite Knight 28 July 2024 (23:14)
Davidsk 101336 Elder Druid 28 July 2024 (23:23)
Mastercheef 50575 Master Sorcerer 30 July 2024 (01:06)

Character Achievements
Login for the first time
Getting Started
Complete your first quest
More Power
Complete 5 quests
Obtain a single mount out of the mounts room