
Time 19 September
(3:27) AM


img Name: The Crow
Vocation: Royal Paladin
Sex: Male
Level: 289697
Kill / Death 1 / 1
Last Login: 18 September 2024 (03:47)
Created: 20 April 2024 (02:18)
Auto Loot Slots: 1
Guild: drogado of Brazilian Outlaws



Death list

Date Info
15 Sep 2024, 15:01died at Level 289350 by a deepling guard, deepling warrior and a deepling scout
15 Sep 2024, 13:49died at Level 289144 by a deepling warrior and a deepling scout
14 Sep 2024, 03:51died at Level 288822 by a deepling guard, deepling warrior and a deepling scout
14 Sep 2024, 03:43died at Level 288818 by a deepling warrior, deepling guard and a deepling scout
13 Sep 2024, 02:02died at Level 283745 by a deepling guard, deepling warrior and a deepling scout
13 Sep 2024, 02:00died at Level 283793 by a deepling scout, deepling guard and a deepling warrior
13 Sep 2024, 02:00died at Level 283849 by a deepling scout, deepling warrior and a deepling guard
13 Sep 2024, 01:30died at Level 283874 by a deepling warrior
13 Sep 2024, 00:42died at Level 283712 by a mutated human
12 Sep 2024, 23:31died at Level 283506 by a deepling scout, deepling warrior and a deepling guard
12 Sep 2024, 22:51died at Level 283237 by a deepling warrior, deepling scout and a deepling guard
12 Sep 2024, 22:46died at Level 283269 by a deepling warrior, deepling guard and a deepling scout
12 Sep 2024, 22:34killed at Level 283285 by Tochy
12 Sep 2024, 02:44died at Level 279852 by a draken, battlemaster and a lizard chosen
12 Sep 2024, 01:56died at Level 279808 by a draken, battlemaster and a lizard chosen

Characters on this account

Name Level Vocation Last login
Clounds 380301 Master Sorcerer 19 September 2024 (03:13)

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