You can automaticlly put a player or group of players to the auto exiva so that u can find him/them easily without spamming exiva"playername"

If you enabled radar an arrow will apear whether at the top,bottom,right,left of the client indicating the location of person which can be useful if hes in sight

X,Y coordinates are the horizontal and vertical addresses of your display screen which u can use to tell the client where to display exiva
Smiliar to yahoo messanger if u can remember A BUZZ which u can use to alert someone or even to alert you when you die , u can choose between different sounds , also there are free and exclusive ones which u will need to unlock with sound scroll (spider-store item)

Messages Coloring:
To colorize your messages at the default chat to one of these colors u need to purchase messages coloring item from spider store , will give u access for 1 day