In this tutorial I want to show you how to upgrade our Defensive Equipment.
We can divide our equipment into different types. We can distinguish [Amulets], [Rings] and [Item Sets].
Firstly, let's focus on [Item Sets].
In order to do that, we need to learn something about Elements.
As we can see at the picture below we can distingush couple of elements:

Starting from the left we can see:
-- Physical -- Fire -- Poison -- Ice -- Energy -- Holy -- Death --
The amount of resistances possible to obtain vary from the "grade" of items. Every set has different total amount of resistances to get.
! It is important that we are unnable to gain every resistances at every Tier of Equipment !
And of course, the idea is very simple. In order to increase the resistance, we right-click on the boosting item (e.g. Physical Otave) and left click on piece of proper piece of gear (in this example, we can pick up an: helmet, armour, boots, legs, shield) which doesn't already maxed with current resistance (in that case, which doesn't have full physical resistance).
If we got introduced about the very basics, let's begin!
[Tier 1]:
At Tier 1 we can distinguish only 5 items that can increase our resisntace which are called Otaves:

-- Physical -- Fire -- Poison -- Ice -- Energy --
Each of them have 40% of chance to succeed. But if we'll be unlucky they can decrease our current progress by half of their increasing value.
In that case, we can upgrade our item by 0.2% when we success, but we can decrease current resistances by 0.1% when we fail.
At top of that we need to count a Luck Chance from set. For [Tier 1] sets it is 60%.
How to count our chances to succes:
Proclaimer: It is approximately method, not an authorized or confrimed by Admins. It's my own way of count!
We multiply our boosting item chance [40%] and gear chance [60%]. We take the result [24%] and we add it to item chance [60%] and there we have a final result [84%] of success.
Of course, it may vary from the amount of fails (which either increase our chances) and from the [Gemstones].
The sets that we can occur at Tier 1 are:
- Starfold Set (0lvl) - - Warburst Set (50k lvl) - - Celestial Set (100k lvl) - - Master Set (0lvl, avaliable through Store) -

Maximum resistances:
Starfold (Chance of Luck is 60%):
-- 5% -- 5% -- 5% --
Warburst (Chance of Luck is 60%):
-- 7,5% -- 7,5% -- 5% -- 5% --
Celestial (Chance of Luck is 60%):
-- 10% -- 10% -- 10% -- 10% --
Master (Chance of Luck is 60%):
-- 12,5% -- 12,5% -- 12,5% -- 12,5% -- 12,5% --
[Tier 2]
At this tier we distinguish three types of upgrading items which are: Shryines, Prylines and Ingons.

-- Physical -- Fire -- Poison -- Ice -- Energy -- Holy -- Death --
They can upgrade up to 0.2% and decrease up to -0.2% of one resistance on failure. Their chance of luck are 30%.

-- Physical -- Fire -- Poison -- Ice -- Energy -- Holy -- Death --
They can upgrade up to 0.2% and decrease up to -0.1% of one resistance on failure. Their chance of luck are 30%.
There are 3 types of Ingons:

Zeal Ingon - increases -- Physical & Poison -- resistances by 0.2% and decreases by -0.1% on failure. His chance of luck is 30%.

Frostfire Ingon - increases -- Fire & Ice -- resistances by 0.2% and decreses by -0.1% on failure. His chance of luck is 30%.

Wicked Ingon - increases -- Energy & Holy -- resistances by 0.2% and decreases by -0.1% on failure. His chance of luck is 30%.
The sets that we can occur at Tier 2 are:
- Gladiator Set (150k lvl) - - Ivory Set (200k lvl) - - Conqueror Set (250k lvl) - - Warlord Set (200k lvl, avaliable through Store) -

- Tanjis Set (300k lvl) - - Guard of Pride Set (350k lvl) -

Maximum resistances:
Gladiator (Chance of Luck is 45%):
-- 12,5% -- 12,5% -- 12,5% -- 12,5% -- 12,5% --
Ivory (Chance of Luck is 40%):
-- 15% -- 15% -- 12,5% -- 12,5% -- 12,5% -- 12,5% -- 12,5% --
Conqueror (Chance of Luck is 30%):
-- 17,5% -- 17,5% -- 15% -- 15% -- 15% -- 15% -- 15% --
Warlord (Chance of Luck is 30%):
-- 22,5% -- 22,5% -- 17,5% -- 17,5% -- 17,5% -- 17,5% -- 17,5% --
Tanjis (Chance of Luck is 30%):
-- 22,5% -- 22,5% -- 17,5% -- 17,5% -- 17,5% -- 17,5% -- 17,5% --
Guard of Pride (Chance of Luck is 20%):
-- 22% -- 22% -- 15% -- 15% -- 17,5% -- 12,5% -- 12,5% --
[Tier 3]
At this tier we distinguish three types of upgrading items which are: Exotes, Shersums and Orcons.

-- Physical -- Fire -- Poison -- Ice -- Energy -- Holy -- Death --
They can upgrade up to 0.2% and decrease up to -0.2% of one resistance on failure. Their chance of luck are 25%.

-- Physical -- Fire -- Poison -- Ice -- Energy -- Holy -- Death --
They can upgrade up to 0.2% and decrease up to -0.1% of one resistance on failure. Their chance of luck are 25%.
There are 3 types of Ingons:

Zeal Orcon- increases -- Physical & Poison -- resistances by 0.2% and decreases by -0.1% on failure. His chance of luck is 25%.

Frostfire Orcon- increases -- Fire & Ice -- resistances by 0.2% and decreses by -0.1% on failure. His chance of luck is 25%.

Wicked Orcon- increases -- Energy & Holy -- resistances by 0.2% and decreases by -0.1% on failure. His chance of luck is 25%.
The sets that we can occur at Tier 3 are:
- Imperial Set (400k lvl) - - Death Gaze Set (400klvl) - - Prismatic Set (400k lvl, avaliable through Store) -

Maximum resistances:
Imperial (Chance of Luck is 25%):
-- 25% -- 25% -- 17,5% -- 17,5% -- 17,5% -- 17,5% -- 17,5% --
Death Gaze (Chance of Luck is 20%):
-- 22,5% -- 22,5% -- 17,5% -- 17,5% -- 17,5% -- 15% -- 15% --
Prismatic (Chance of Luck is 25%):
-- 27,5% -- 27,5% -- 20% -- 20% -- 20% -- 20% -- 20% --
Their main purpose is to decrease amount of lost experience after our death.
We can divide them into the Tiers as well as the [Item Sets].
[Tier 1]
In order to enhance [Tier 1] amulets we use Shade Tokens. Chance of Luck is 35%.


Elven Amulet (50k lvl, Chance of Luck is 45%, max. reduction is 25%)
Star Amulet (0lvl, avaliable through Store, Chance of Luck is 50%, max. reduction is 30%)
In order to enhance [Tier 2] amulets we use Spiritual Tokens. Chance of Luck is 25%.


Emerald Amulet (150k lvl, Chance of Luck is 35%, max. reduction is 45%)
Rigorous Amulet (100k lvl, avaliable through Store, Chance of Luck is 40%, max. reduction is 55%)
In order to enhance [Tier 3] amulets we use Divine Tokens. Chance of Luck is 10%


Lion Amulet (250k lvl, drops from Tyrant or Dracula, Chance of Luck is 40%, max. reduction is 70%)
Ferumbras Amulet (350k lvl, drops from Gnomenezer, Chance of Luck is 15%, max. reduction is 80%)
Cobra Amulet (200k lvl, Chance of Luck is 45%, max. reduction is 75%)
Charming Cobra Amulet (350k lvl, avaliable through Store, Chance of Luck is 20%, max. reduction is 85%)
Rings are essential for our progression. They grants huge boost of Mana & Health Recovery per second! Additionaly, they grant permanent Manashield spell which is incredibly usefull for Mages and Paladins. There is a possibility to turn it on or off just by right-clicking on the ring.
They can be divided into Tiers as well as the rest of the items.
[Tier 1]
In order to enhance [Tier 1] rings we use Elixirs:

- Yale Elixirs - increases mana regeneration of the ring. Luck of Chance is 40%.

- Glowing Elixir - increases health regeneration of the ring. Luck of Chance is 40%.

Super Ring (50k lvl, max. regeneration is 100k/s, Luck of Chance is 40%)
Golden Ring (0lvl, avaliable through Store, max. regeneration is 125k/s, Luck of Chance is 45%)
[Tier 2]
In order to enhance [Tier 2] rings we use Elixirs:

- Arctic Elixirs - increases mana regeneration of the ring. Luck of Chance is 40%.

- Scarlet Elixir - increases health regeneration of the ring. Luck of Chance is 30%.

Death Ring (150k level, max. regeneration is 210k/s, Chance of Luck is 30%)
Star Ring (150k level, avaliable through Store, max. regeneration is 259k/s, Luck of Chance is 35%)
[Tier 3]
In order to enhance [Tier 3] rings we use Elixirs:

- Skyblue Elixirs - increases mana regeneration of the ring. Luck of Chance is 25%.

- Crimson Elixir - increases health regeneration of the ring. Luck of Chance is 25%.

Ring of Ending (300k level, max. regeneration is 300k/s, Chance of Luck is 20%)
Prismatic Ring (350k level, max. regeneration is 405k/s, Chance of Luck is 15%)
Ardent Ring (300k level, avaliable through Store max. regeneration is 350k/s, Chance of Luck is 25%)
[Tier 4]
In order to enhance [Tier 4] rings we use Elixirs:

- Admiral Elixirs - increases mana regeneration of the ring. Luck of Chance is 10%.

- Bloodshot Elixir - increases health regeneration of the ring. Luck of Chance is 10%.

Ring of Souls (450k level, max. regeneration is 500k/s, Chance of Luck is 15%)
Blister Ring (400k level, avaliable through Store, max. regeneration is 560k/s, Chance of Luck is 20% )
In-game can be found items such as Gemstones. Their main function is to boost chances of luck to enhance any of the items mentioned above.
There are 3 different types of Gemstones:

Black Onyx - increases our chances by 5%. It is dropped from monsters such as: Tyrant, Dracula, Ice Witch

Peridot Gemstone - increases our chances by 10%. It is dropped from monsters such as: Hellflayer, Gaz'Haragoth, Thundergigant and King Annubis.

Radiant Gemstone - increases our chances by 20%. It can be purchased in the Store.
Thanks for reading!
If you've additional informations about any item mentioned there or you want to add something to the Tutorial, leave comment below or PM me at Forum or IG to add it to main topic.