Buttons to those options are located above our equipment marked at screen below:

In order to open that we click on yellow coloured circle shown at the first picture. After clicking it we'll find something like that:

Configuration overall is pretty simple. Just follow the steps described in the menu.
At the very beginning we'll receive only one position that make our character auto-loot, but from 100k+ quest we will receive additional "slot" what make us possible to auto-loot additional thing. Of course, we can purchase more "slots" in the Store.
Remember: if you want to see and/or hear notifications it is important to mark options "enable loot warning" and "enable sound warning". You can choose only one option from those.
Example of filled autolooter:

Self Hotkey-Repeater
In order to open that we click on green coloured circle shown at the first picture. After clicking it we'll find something like that:

There either is no difficulty with setting it up. Just mark those hotkeys which should be repeated as "active" and then activate the repeater by simply clicking it or more recommended by ctrl+tab shortcut It can be found either at the right corner, slightly above the chat, next to the "WSAD movement" option (shown at screen below).

Example of filled hotkey-repeater:

There were many questions about the delay you should choose for your "utani hur" or "utani gran hur" spell.
I personally set it up for 2200ms. Additionally, I didn't change the delay on my manarune/healrune and attacking spell (100ms as default).
Thanks for reading.
If you have any additional tips according to any of those functions, let us know!